
The 音乐与传媒学院 is home to over 20 unique majors and degree programs within the arts, 广告, 娱乐产业. 探索 音乐与媒体学院网站 选择最适合你的课程!    


In order to satisfy the major-specific requirements for admission to the 音乐与传媒学院, 请遵循以下步骤:

  1. 完成申请 到洛约拉新奥尔良 常见的应用程序 或者是 罗耀拉的应用程序.

  2. 登录你的招生门户. 学生将提交 项目要求 直接到传送门. 

  3. 收到 一个 Loyola admission decision from the university to the degree program you have chosen.

研究生 Applicants: Master of Music in Performance and Master of 音乐疗法 applicants must complete an audition per the repertoire requirements for your voice type or primary instrument listed below, 同时填上我们的 研究生课程申请.

试镜 & 面试的选择

  • 校园试镜/面试日期

    • 星期六——2024年12月7日

    • 星期六——2025年1月25日

    • 星期六——2025年2月15日

    • You can register for your audition/interview through your 洛约拉应用门户. You receive access to this portal 24 hours after submitting an application. 

  • 变焦 试镜 / Interview Dates (exclusively for applicants to Music Education, 音乐疗法, 流行音乐和商业音乐, 嘻哈 & R&B and the BA and BS in Music Industry Studies)

    • 星期六——2024年12月14日

    • 星期六——2025年2月1日

    • 星期六——2025年3月15日

不过最好是亲自面试, applicants who are unable to travel to campus for an in person audition or interview, 可以做一次虚拟试镜吗.



  • 爵士研究(BM)
  • 音乐(BA)
  • Music Performance (Instrumental/Vocal) (BM or MM)
  • 音乐作曲(BM)
  • 音乐(选修课程)
  • 流行及商业音乐(学士)


  • 戏剧艺术文学士
  • Theatre Arts w/Minor in Business Administration (BA)
  • 音乐剧(文学士)


试镜 & 面试要求:

  • 音乐教育(BME)
  • 音乐治疗(BMT)
  • 音乐产业研究-表演(BM)

Applicants f或者是 above majors will need to perform their audition with their primary instrument. Please see the audition requirements for each instrument. 



  • 嘻哈和R&B (BS)
  • 音乐产业研究(文学士)
  • 音乐产业研究-商业(理学士)




  • 数码电影制作(BFA)



  • 设计学士(BD)
  • 互动设计(BD)



  • 大众传播、新闻学(文学士)
  • Mass Communication, Strategic Communications (BA)


Transfer students that are interested in applying to the 音乐与传媒学院 will have application and audition deadlines according to their prospective major. Please contact the Office of 招生 at admit@loyno.Edu,以了解你的具体截止日期.


  • 11月15日-提前行动截止日期

    • CMM students who wish to be given priority for admission decisions and financial aid packaging must complete the entire application (University and Major-specific requirements) by November 15. If you have any questions, please contact your 招生顾问.

  • March 1, 2025 - Director’s Award Application/试镜 Deadline

    • 申请 传统音乐学位 who wish to audition for a full tuition scholarship must apply to the university and complete the audition process on or before March 1, 2025.


March 15, 2025 is the deadline to complete the CMM application process.

All CMM applicants are encouraged to attend 一个 of our on-campus audition/interview events to meet faculty, 参观设施, 亲自体验一下. However, the faculty will evaluate video auditions and ph一个 interviews with 平等的考虑

Once you submit your application, complete your 试镜,面试,作品集, and turn in all high school materials, you will receive 一个 Loyola admissions decision from the university and to your degree program. 这取决于你的学位课程, most students can expect to receive a decision within two weeks of completing the application process.

Loyola 新奥尔良 evaluates all CMM applicants for academic merit as well as musical and artistic achievement. Departmental faculty will review your major-specific application requirements, i.e. 试镜、作品集、数码短片等., and the admissions team will review your academic profile. 

Some students are strong candidates for both academic merit scholarships and talent scholarships. If you are eligible, you will receive the higher award for which you qualify. Loyola 新奥尔良 will not stack talent and merit scholarships. If you are accepted to Loyola and the major you applied for, the decision letter will include a scholarship offer amount. 

All on-campus auditions and interviews are scheduled through the student’s 洛约拉应用门户. After the student has submitted an application to Loyola, 邮件在24小时内发送, 其中包括如何登录的说明 and register to your portal.

All supplemental audition/portfolio materials (resume, portfolio, audition videos, resumes, etc.)由学生提交 洛约拉应用门户. After the student has submitted an application to Loyola, 邮件在24小时内发送, 其中包括如何登录的说明, 并将文件直接上传到应用程序. 

Applicants who attend an on-campus audition/interview day will receive a time slot that morning 在办理登机手续

请给你的招生顾问发邮件. 你可以通过我们的 招生地图.

祝贺你! You've been accepted to Loyola 新奥尔良 and have qualified for a combined merit/talent scholarship. Your scholarships are included in your decision letter. 一定要 提交FAFSA申请 to Loyola 新奥尔良, so that you will be considered for institutional and federal aid. Without a FAFSA application, the Office of 金融援助 cannot package an award letter. 

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